Your Questions Answered

How much does a garage door repair cost?

The answer depends on the issue, the manufacture and if the parts are still available. We have been repairing gargae doors for a number of years, so we do have a lot of parts in stock from garage door companies that have ceased production.

Can I repair my garage door myself?

We strongly suggest you don’t.

Firstly, because it can be very dangerous and secondly costly. If we had a pound for every time someone had bought the wrong parts and tried to fit them badly we would
be rich!

If I buy the parts, will you repair my garage door?

We will gladly fix your garage door but 65% of parts bought online are bought incorrectly.

For example Henderson (who have now ceased trading) made doors for over 50 years. During that time they created a number of different parts. If you need a replacement handle there are at least 12 different types and sizes available. The other issue is that they all look very similar.

So as you can see you will save yourself time, money and hassle by calling us for a free onsite quote.

My garage door is stuck in the air. How to I move it?

You don’t. Trying to move the door down can be extremely dangerous and can cause further damage to the door which in turn would cost more money to fix.

Can you do same day repairs?

Yes, if we have availability.

My garage door cable is broken. Can it be fixed?

Once the cable is broken it will need to be replaced. Sometimes the cones may need to be replaced at the same time as they are joined and work together.

Do I get a warranty on parts fitted?

Yes, there is a 12 month warranty on parts. However, if the door is used incorrectly (e.g operated by the corners and not the center of the door) then this is not covered.

Closing a garage door by the corners can cause the garage door mechanism to fail. Garage doors are balanced and need to be
opened and closed gently from the center on every occasion.

A spring is broken on my garage door. Why won't it close?

The garage door is off balance and can be tricky to close. If you urgently need it to be closed please call us.

Are garage door repairs covered by my home insurance?

In our experience some insurance companies will send out a general engineer to close the door for security reasons. However, they are usually not an experienced garage door engineer and do not carry the parts or have the expertise to do this correctly.  At this point it would be best to call us to close the door and repair it for you.

A garage door usually fails because of its age, which is generally not covered by home insurance. However, it is always best to check with your insurances company directly.

Heath and safety warning!

Under no circumstances are we advocating you doing anything to a broken garage door as it can be extremely dangerous. Garage doors have high powered springs, tension cables (holding weight) and doors that when stuck in the air could fall and hurt you.

EMERGENCY? Call 07436 726397

Payment Methods Accepted

We accept payment by bank transfer, cash, cheque and all major credit cards.

V Pay
Union Pay
American Express
Diners Club
Apple Pay
Google Pay

Contact Us

Just Garage Repairs specialise in repairing all types of garage doors.  We do not supply or install new doors.  

Whatever your garage door issue, give us a call, whatsApp us, send us an email, contact us via Facebook or complete the form below for a free no obligation quotation.

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